View Profile Cosmos8942

99 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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Very well done...

Interesting introduction...but what do we have here? It sounds damn near professional.........................
...let me restart the song here....




00:35, this is something that you don't hear on newgrounds...in a sense you took your original tracks and added a dramatic feel to it that immediantly catches the interest of those listening...and trust me they WANT to hear more now.

Man, I can't even begin to badger this one down at all really...couple minor mistakes, but from what I hear this one is yet ANOTHER that gets a 5/5 and a 10/10.

You, my friend, are a fantastic find indeed, keep these works coming and take your time! If you keep bringing us stuff of this quality I think eventually you will be noticed...and if not suffice to say that the ones who hear you will be the ones you stick around as fans forever.

Fantastic work again and again, YOU are on my favorites ^^;.

Love all three, and I am just waiting for more to come...

The audio that you write has a different feel then most I have heard on Newgrounds, but this feel is a very good one...I just can't see you not gaining fame and gaining it quickly.

Hey Tom Fulp!? You reading this?!, hoho...a few more of such great quality and I think that I may be contacting a few friends of mine :D...

Farmin responds:

Wow :O
I never expected anyone would like my music so much :D
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I really appreciate the feedback.
Glad you could pick up on the mistakes :D, its insanely hard to keep a steady drum beat on a keyboard for too long. I should get around to recording live drums sometime in the future but the keyboard does the trick for now.
Thanks so much again, I'm off to check out some of your tunes now :D

^^; Like it already...

00:01 --> 00:36 slow and dramatic...

WAIT!!..?!? 00:37 It speeds up, man, it takes alot to add emotion to a solo piece...add more to this and see where you get!

01:26 :O change of pace...shivers sent down my back...excellent use of both speakers!

In a way this almost sounds Irish, which it is of course...not :P.

You know, most solo playthroughs...wait! 02:21 the guitar is brought up by what almost sounds like an echo...don't care...it sounds great!...they don't normally keep the interest but this one does...oh man does it.

Very odd ending, it almost sounds like you are banging the strings in a way to get a random sound...perhaps it is a faster version of what was used in the very beginning...hmm...cool :D.

This is not a download for me, not my style...but from what I am hearing this deserves another 5/5 and a 10/10, keep them coming!


Farmin responds:

Yay :D
This is my favorite piece, super fun to play.
As for 02:21 theres actually more than one guitar playing, i think theres about 3 or so.
There all playing the same thing but i wanted that part to be the climax so it kinda needed a boost in sound. I 'spose it's not really a solo in that sense :( but there is one solid guitar track all the way through.
And the ending is a two hand tapping arrangement which is mighty fun to play.
Thanks for the reviews :D
You've made my day.


First off...give me your keyboard! T.T

Second...Give me your talent! T.T

Third...well, this one is me telling you how much I like this song...lets see, extensive review :D.

Very very good introduction...perhaps made it so that it sounded like it was working its way up...so 9/10 for 00:01 --> 00:18

00:18 that really hit me...and I must say that it was fantastic...excellent use of all tracks.

00:39 Three more tracks added, very good job there...still ADDs to the overall quality.

...AH! whats this...you combined your tracks a little...01:17 approx., but once again it just addes to the overall sound, the emotion in this piece is amazing.

01:47, and more diversity added...stop it! You can't get any better than this otherwise people will hate you XD.

God, 02:19 you went back to a previous track(s), but the timing was perfect T.T.

02:54, you threw in something for classical...03:11 you brought back your original tune...03:35 still going...04:00 ah, a long ending...but a good one at that.

Fantastic job, if I could do this...wowz o.o

Love it, 5/5, 10/10, and a favorite! :D

Farmin responds:

lol, I'd love to own the keyboard too, i just borrow it from a friend when i fell like writing something :D
big reviews are so much fun to respond too :D
I've always liked the ending more than the actual song but glad you liked it :D
Cheers again.


My prideXD You are horrible...stop making such good songs ><. But yeah...I like the voice used and the overall melody flows very nicely.

Great job ^^,

MaestroRage responds:


I didn't mean to hurt you. I apologize! If it makes you feel any better, I had to kick 50 furry woodland creatures to get the sadness needed to create half this song :'(

Thank you for the review, i'm glad you liked it!

*bobs head*

Heh...I don't really like the rockish type of music...but I have to say that this is really well done. Great job on the introduction here and the drums in the beginning were quite well done. The guitars sounded nice, and...hmm...can't quite make out that instrument in the background >.>... ... ...nope can't find the name here. Anyhow great job with this one, its not a download for me but I can at least give you a 5/5.

Keep it up!,

Sasha-Tarquin responds:

For somebody who isn't into this type of music i consider your review quite a compliment thank you very much.

PS the instrument in the background is a French Horn :o)


Up until 00:32 it just holds down two beats...

00:44 you bring in more than the beats then what you had originally.

From what I hear you are able to bring in a nice enough introduction, but I have to wonder if Techno is really your style. You seem (from what I hear) a Drum and Bass type of person, I dunno...I am probably wrong here.

It is a fairly clear, easy to listen to song (at the the 2:08) mark. But it just drowns in its own length. 02:35 you bring in extra drums...I think that that could have been done earlier rather then later. It is not bad at all, I just think that perhaps more variation in the overall melody of the piece and a cut on the length would more this song up a few more points ^^.

Its your choice to take my advice...and if you want any other advice on anything else (work on the ending here...it just kinda...ends abruptly...though it still sounded good o.o.) just contact either via PM, or at mr.alphaducky@hotmail.com, and don't worry I won't be stealing any of your work ;]...I think XD.

Decent, could be better...,

weemeee responds:

lol yea im tryin to make some decent techno but: i always make my intro way too long (i use too much build up)
and then for a short time theres a kick and then again comes another breakdown and the original melody etc.

and ill add u on hotmail lol

Ty For ur review :) :D <3 XD

Hmm, sounds odd...

In a good way though. It almost sounds like it could be a cross between multiple genres of music. Though yes, Hip-Hop could certainly be one of them.

I see you have just got voted down, wanna know how I know that? Simple, this song probably got a 5/5 right away, then a couple more votes may have brought it down to a 4.46 or higher. Well, suffice to say that someone got annoyed and gave you a zero, or if they were nice a 1.

Well, I like this song enough that I think I will give you a 5/5 myself (3.12-->3.61), this one doesn't deserve to be way down in the 3.5 range.

So once again, great job,

zekinash responds:

Thank you very much Cosmos8942; First I have to say that I use a translator online to be able to extract the maximum divided(departed) to my Englishman and to do not know if I will give to understanding what I came to say. Thank you very much for the inconveniences(troubles) to listen and to punctuate it and more even for leaving so elaborated commentary. A positive and constructive critique. Perfect, it is the maximum thing that could hope, I cannot ask any more. I am very grateful to you, and do not comment any more, so(then) I doubt the integrity of my message on having translated it. A greeting, Zekinash.

Hmm...this is nice :)

Loops a little up until around 00:24 and then the percussion kicks in and I would have to say that it fit quite nicely with the song in general.

Kinda stayed like that...till 01:16 where you let the piano and tamberine take over. Its not what newgrounds is used to...and wow what was that o.o. 01:47 (or around there), I thought my headphones were going out there for a second XD. That static was a very odd touch on this piece and I am not sure where you thought you were going to go with it. But it fit, which is odd, normally static is a big nono on this site, or any audio site. Due to the static thing I feel this is a very good song for someone who wants to hear something a little different.

You did a good job, keep them coming,


btw, nice slow ending you have there :)

TimeBender responds:

The static idea came from my busted headphones, they would always screw up: the sound would disappear from one side or everything would get static-y.

Thanks for the review, you'll see me on your page.

That one track ...

Is sorta piercing...what did you use, celesta mixed with the Pad-New Age?

The song itself is not bad overall...I kind like it (but not as much as the original).

Add some of your own stuff too it and see where that takes you...who knows, maybe you will be the next great audio artist ;],


I would appreciate some look-see at my audio, si? XD

I3chig0 responds:

lol ok im not gnna try to sound like an ass but here goes...

For a person to be diffrent from the others they have to have their own thoughts and creativity u know wat i mean? If all music was the same then wat would be the point of submitting music at all?

I like to be diffrent from the rest. i will take note of tips and take them into consideration but mainly i will stick to the way i make things. maybe that can help u with urs too. know wat i mean?

Happy Listening


Didn't really need the instruments in the very beginning. I think that the beat you have justifies itself and makes the song what it is. Repetitive again (am I repeating myself? XD). All in all this is a really nice song, with a good beat, BUT I SAY AGAIN! MOOOOOOORE...note action please XD.


wyldfyre1 responds:

The Repetitive thing i'm trying to break away from.. Considering i'm still fairly new at all this. I'm gonna try to work on more notes in future songs.

Ok, so the world does not know my name. But there are those around me that do...and in the end that is all I need...

Anthony Lockhart @Cosmos8942

Age 35, Male



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