View Profile Cosmos8942

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Quality stuff o.o

First off, the 9 up above is only because I felt that though it was really good there were somethings that felt that they were missing. Maybe its just me, but an octave choir might be sporty in here and maybe some slight ambience...dunno...don't listen to me ._.

I do hear a choir, I just think that perhaps it should bring the level of the song a bit higher instead of sitting in the background. It feels nice back there, but I truly think it could be better.

Was going to give it an 8, but imma be nice and leave it at 9. Good job, and though it feels unfinished it certainly is retaining that potential. Gonna download it regardless though...it is good o.o.


Note: Great drums, they fit in nicely, somewhat repetitive though.

KTRECORDS responds:

Thanks for the feedback Cosmos. We'll see what we can do about spicing those choirs up for ya!


You know...

Awhile back I created a composite list of the best that the newgrounds audio portal has to offer (at the time). I am now sure that I made the correct decision when I placed you on that list next to Danman and Soundshifter. Fantastic job.


NemesisTheory responds:

Really? I never saw that! :(
I'm happy you find me one of the best though, even though it's totally not true XD

Thanks for the review and support :))


I know Wyld quite well and this just made me laugh my ass off...mostly because it is something I KNOW he'd do XD. Wow, I'm going to have to give him a hard time now XD.

It sounds good though :3


Blasphem-E responds:

Haha, thanks for the review. And Yes, I'm sure he enjoyed it

Nice and short...the review I mean

Just as good, no...wait...BETTER then the original (I should know, I've had it on my iPod since the beginning of time). This adds in quite a bit to what I already know, but for some reason I still like the original more. Bit of an oddity there but meh, what can I say. The piano in this piece is very very very very very very very very very very very *cough* very well done. It really adds to the songs overall feeling and makes me want to download it...which I will, just not right now XD.


9/10 and a 5/5, nine because it is damned long fkn geez and a 5 simply because it sounds great.

NemesisTheory responds:

>:O nothing beats the original XD!!

thanks though, haha. i'm glad you liked the piano, and yes... the song is pretty long XD, SN figured he wanted me to make some "kickass (his words)" trance into the song for some unexpected twists so i let loose :D

that's why it's so long XD the original was about 6 minutes but pretty repetitive, in my opinion at least :D

thanks for the scores and review!


Great job on this one. The instument samples flew together nicely, your choir Aahs/pads worked well with the background and the drums really gave extra feeling. I think I may have to do this one sometime ^^.

Good job,

Beacon515L responds:

Thanks man. X3

I really think...

You and Wyldfyre1 should get together and make something ;p.


Interesting though ;p

FatKidWitAJetPak responds:

He voice acts? OMG!!!!

You do know...

That some of those Zero's are ahem and ahem ahem ahem along with ahem right? I mean I don't want to name any names chronaCOUGH Ah, pardon me, I didn't mean to startle you there. o.o


Blasphem-E responds:

AH! YOU SCARED ME! Lol, and yes, I'm well aware of the likelihood of that. Thank you very much

Hello again ^^

First off let me mention that I expected something to come in at around 00:18, perhaps throw in a quick drum kick that leads up to the full beat later on eh? :D. Sounds to me like you either copied a track and moved it up the song a bit. Cheating, but hell...it works and it cuts away quite a bit of work time. I won't throw out a bunch of improvements for this song as I am guessing that this one is no longer being worked on. Not bad though, kept me interested for the most part.

Nicely done ^^

Kinda makes me want to remix a chrismas song o.o

UnrealReno responds:

Then go ahead! :)


Once again you have the right idea...

The choir Aahs don't work as well as they should, too quiet on some occasions, a little loud at others. They are too high pitched as well, move them down a bar or two, it would help. Also mix in some basic strings with the Aahs, when done correctly you dont' override them you make them sound just that much better. In the end the composition of this piece is very well done, but you NEED BETTER SAMPLES. It is NOT a bad song at all, but it could be made so much better if the samples that are being used didn't sound so...whats the word, oh screw it, some of them are just sucky.

Sorry T_T

Sicdrummer responds:

Thanks for the feed back
sorry bout the sound it sounds fine on my puter but i guess midi sounds different on all puters i listened to them on another puter and they sounded a little funky so i understand what your sayin

Hello again :D

00:41 Surprised me a little there with the (german?) phrase. I can't quite make it out...but hell, it sounds good with the song...what else do I need to know? The background percussion was moderate but the timing that you used was great. 01:30 some pads come in, unexpected, but eleven seconds later you toss in percussion and another pad which eventually leads to further use of the drum/kick and another solo with the pad. 02:24 see's another change in the song that leads back to the original flow. This is a nice transition and is what made the score go from eight to nine. Nicely done. 03:02 The phrase is thrown in again but I noticed something about it this time. You may want to add reverb to the voice to give it a more 'full' feel with the song. A slight echo would even work. I don't know, getting tired here, good piece though.


UnrealReno responds:

Wow, your comments are the best I had so far!

Thanks for the compliments you made. We aren't working anymore on this one, so for the critics, I will have them in mind for the next time! Thanks for the advise there again :)

See you around o/

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