View Profile Cosmos8942

202 Audio Reviews

99 w/ Responses

Review #1

The beginning is slow...but it leads up into some nice stuff :O. The piano is very nice and the background beat that you have is a nice touch if a bit odd.

01:09 you throw in some harder tracks that allow some 'stuff' (stuff? XD) to flow and then there is this...war?/sword/battle/geneocide? (o.O).

Just before the two minute mark it turns into something that is almost trance, almost Techno...and yet it fits >.>;. Not sure what to make of it XD.

All in all this is a really nice piece, a deviation from what you normally do and a obvious effort at challenging yourself.

Quite nice,

wyldfyre1 responds:

stuff eh? LMFAO. Love your wording or lack there of sometimes hahah you sound like me . Funny i didn't mean for it to sound trancey or techno-ish. I do however love how that part of the song sounds. Thanks for the great review as always.

Yet another by one of the Greats

Lets see...

1. You are on my favorite artists list...and in the top ten at that.

2. You are on my list of lists for the audio portal...right by the best of the best.

3. Your music gets stuck in my head...which is generally annoying...yet I still find myself tapping my foot or weaving my head.

Finally I find myself wanting to write lyrics to everything just to see if I can match you XD. Pity my voice would break a piano string >< XP.

Great Job...seriously ^^.

hania responds:

In reponse...
1. Thankyou, firstly. I am so excited that you think of me in the above way - I never want to let the standard drop. :)

2. I like chocolate.

3. I'm sure piano strings are mighty durable... give it a go ;)

Thanks again for the support!!! *HUGS TO YOU

^^; Fantastic

The chord choice is splendid, the lyrics flow brightly, like a poem written in soul and harmony. Truly a masterpiece in music and literature. "Softly I sing, to you my King." The progresson is quite amazing...and most professional artists couldn't hope to compare to the harmonic lovliness that this incures in the mind of those who deign to listen and believe.

"Build upon a time so very far away and believe that in time the wings that you seek will take you upon the winds to the skies and heavens that you dream. Take me in your arms, a gentle breeze that I feel, and hold me to the clouds so that I may see the fantasy of the beautiful night sky. In this world I believe that all can be true, my soul, my reality, breathe unto me and the wishes the stars bring will flow from this hand into the hearts of those who see. Flow, flow, doth the dreams of the night sky. Fly...fly do I in the hopes that I will reach and grasp the fantasy that is my soul...my heart...my being."

Truly fantastic...that is what I thought of while I heard this. It may not be incredibly written but what is sought can be put down either into words...or music. Emotion rules us all...and yet doth it bring such magic unto the world around us...and envelope all in a white cloud of pure bliss. Continue your treck into this world of emotion and see just where you stand upon those that can be considered legends for all time.

Good luck, and always strive to fly, create your own road and step ever so softly upon the sands of your dreams. Perhaps one day your wings will grow and you will find that your road no longer exists, for rather than walk upon one path you can then fly freely and know without doubt that you can take to the skies above. Walk your path, spread your wings, and take the path that leads unto eternity.


I liked it...

This was done quite well. The intro. melded nicely in with what came after and the electric piano(?) was a decent addition. I can see this piece going farther...but for now I think it is good enough.

Your guitar [solos] is done very well, the areas where the guitar becomes noticable add to the song and make it so that the listener does not get so bored. You might be able to throw in some faster guitar areas to give this song some more "oomph". But right now it is good enough.

Its not GREAT, but its not horrible either. I followed your scoring system and gave you an 8/10, good...but not fantastic (minus the solo guitar area(s)).

Cool though...

wyldfyre1 responds:

haha yeah. May work on it more. Who knows. I'm just taking it easy till i get mused again for the moment.

Well now...this isn't that bad :).

First off, great job on the lyrics...they are surprisingly fantastic. This is like country in the way that it tells a story...but I can see why it is in classical.

But though this is quite good, your 00:27 area brought up something that was more dramatic, which is good, especially with this song. But I was waiting for some drums to kick in. 01:07 perhaps? I don't know how to explain in words how it should sound...but I believe that this piece could be even better.

I dunno =.=.

The voice (your voice :]) sounds quite good...but though it fits with the song to a point, I think that it should be clearer, it kinda sounds like there is a duel going on with another voice. Sounds good though o.o.

Great job, I just hope that it gets longer :D.

hania responds:

hey! I know what you mean about the drums - I originally had chimes and a timp crec roll leading up to the heavier bits - but decided to take them out cause I really just wanted the raw thing to be on here for people to make up their own minds on how it should sound ;)
There are a lot of harmonies in the piece also - I can see how that could get a little cloudy ;)
Thanks for the review!! Keep in touch :)

I fully agree with Wyld below...

It does sound quite good...but it could certainly be better...

Interesting intro. It tends to lead in upon itself which can easily bring this song down some.

00:28 you add in some right hand parts that really ass to the song overall.

Man, this song is really close to hitting the very good mark right upon the head. But like Wyldfyre1 stated...something just feels wrong...but I have no idea what that could be.

Sounds good though,

The ending is kinda abrupt...might wanna fix that ^^;.

Oh, and I made a full piano audio...its called ~Goodbye~, and though someone has said it jumps around a little...well, if you deign to check it out you will see ^^.

Farmin responds:

Thanks :D
yea it's always felt wrong to me, i dunno what it is :(
thanks for the feedback though, always appreciated :D

I like it...

Very odd beginning that leads into something that is more or less unexpected...let me get down to it here....restarting song...

00:01-->00:10 Wierd introduction to the song...but it works oddly well.

00:11-->00:20 you use something that sounds like a fret guitar (if there is such a thing XD)...it has a slight hollow feel to it but this feel is a good thing when you come in with the Bass at 00:21.

00:31 Some percussion is added, and I must say that this percussion was done quite well...very well in fact, it fits the mood of the song almost perfectly.

Later you throw in some bells...cool...but then you stop the music for the most part (01:23) and whilst doing this you unintentionallly throw in a different type of emotion into the frey...uncertainty. That mixed with the already mellow and haunting tune creates something quite unlike you would hear in any dungeon theme nowadays. Yet it conveys it better than most.

02:48 you use the beginning tune to your advantage and work mostly with the percussion up until...03:09 where you toss in your guitar. 03:22 you bring the other tracks again and another background guitar that really brings the song together.

Finally you finish up with the same tune you used in the very beginning of the song. This is a basic concept which isn't used as much as it could be...I like it.

Good job with this, due to the unexpectedly creepy nature of this audio and the fact that it is a Dungeon theme, I give you a 9/10. That is due to the fact that there were one or two time issues in this song that were hardly even noticable...

Great job though o.o,
Btw...5/5'd! XD

Very well done...

Interesting introduction...but what do we have here? It sounds damn near professional.........................
...let me restart the song here....




00:35, this is something that you don't hear on newgrounds...in a sense you took your original tracks and added a dramatic feel to it that immediantly catches the interest of those listening...and trust me they WANT to hear more now.

Man, I can't even begin to badger this one down at all really...couple minor mistakes, but from what I hear this one is yet ANOTHER that gets a 5/5 and a 10/10.

You, my friend, are a fantastic find indeed, keep these works coming and take your time! If you keep bringing us stuff of this quality I think eventually you will be noticed...and if not suffice to say that the ones who hear you will be the ones you stick around as fans forever.

Fantastic work again and again, YOU are on my favorites ^^;.

Love all three, and I am just waiting for more to come...

The audio that you write has a different feel then most I have heard on Newgrounds, but this feel is a very good one...I just can't see you not gaining fame and gaining it quickly.

Hey Tom Fulp!? You reading this?!, hoho...a few more of such great quality and I think that I may be contacting a few friends of mine :D...

Farmin responds:

Wow :O
I never expected anyone would like my music so much :D
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I really appreciate the feedback.
Glad you could pick up on the mistakes :D, its insanely hard to keep a steady drum beat on a keyboard for too long. I should get around to recording live drums sometime in the future but the keyboard does the trick for now.
Thanks so much again, I'm off to check out some of your tunes now :D

^^; Like it already...

00:01 --> 00:36 slow and dramatic...

WAIT!!..?!? 00:37 It speeds up, man, it takes alot to add emotion to a solo piece...add more to this and see where you get!

01:26 :O change of pace...shivers sent down my back...excellent use of both speakers!

In a way this almost sounds Irish, which it is of course...not :P.

You know, most solo playthroughs...wait! 02:21 the guitar is brought up by what almost sounds like an echo...don't care...it sounds great!...they don't normally keep the interest but this one does...oh man does it.

Very odd ending, it almost sounds like you are banging the strings in a way to get a random sound...perhaps it is a faster version of what was used in the very beginning...hmm...cool :D.

This is not a download for me, not my style...but from what I am hearing this deserves another 5/5 and a 10/10, keep them coming!


Farmin responds:

Yay :D
This is my favorite piece, super fun to play.
As for 02:21 theres actually more than one guitar playing, i think theres about 3 or so.
There all playing the same thing but i wanted that part to be the climax so it kinda needed a boost in sound. I 'spose it's not really a solo in that sense :( but there is one solid guitar track all the way through.
And the ending is a two hand tapping arrangement which is mighty fun to play.
Thanks for the reviews :D
You've made my day.


First off...give me your keyboard! T.T

Second...Give me your talent! T.T

Third...well, this one is me telling you how much I like this song...lets see, extensive review :D.

Very very good introduction...perhaps made it so that it sounded like it was working its way up...so 9/10 for 00:01 --> 00:18

00:18 that really hit me...and I must say that it was fantastic...excellent use of all tracks.

00:39 Three more tracks added, very good job there...still ADDs to the overall quality.

...AH! whats this...you combined your tracks a little...01:17 approx., but once again it just addes to the overall sound, the emotion in this piece is amazing.

01:47, and more diversity added...stop it! You can't get any better than this otherwise people will hate you XD.

God, 02:19 you went back to a previous track(s), but the timing was perfect T.T.

02:54, you threw in something for classical...03:11 you brought back your original tune...03:35 still going...04:00 ah, a long ending...but a good one at that.

Fantastic job, if I could do this...wowz o.o

Love it, 5/5, 10/10, and a favorite! :D

Farmin responds:

lol, I'd love to own the keyboard too, i just borrow it from a friend when i fell like writing something :D
big reviews are so much fun to respond too :D
I've always liked the ending more than the actual song but glad you liked it :D
Cheers again.

Ok, so the world does not know my name. But there are those around me that do...and in the end that is all I need...

Anthony Lockhart @Cosmos8942

Age 35, Male



Wisconsin, United States

Joined on 5/14/07

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