Hmm, this is a piano based piece sold around the lights of ones heart and soul unto thou's feeling for whatever it is that is most important to you. That said, it is done quite well and I've noticed a couple things. Ok, so the sound quality isn't the greatest...but at the same time that presents opportunities. 00:22 the first truly bad quality note is played...but at the same time it feels as if had you not had the static that one note would have been other words I think this could go soooo much further then just a simple fact by itself it is simply fantastic (-points for the quality...what can I say =\). The composition spreads out and takes a person into their own is a piece written from the heart not the mind...this I can understand because whenever I manage to get my hands on a piano I do much the same. I will be PMing you with a request and if you like I can also include some of the ideas that are running through my mind right now. Bear with me.