I don't care what those fools think
As an ex-music tech. I have heard some pretty crappy stuff in my time. So now you are expecting me to say "but this has to be the worst ever...my ear hurt!"...well that is just too bad...once you get better come back to this song and revise it. Make those freaks wish they groveled at your feet...heh...anyhow, I may get beat up for saying this, but I am not worried about some nerd throwing his stick-like arm at me, course the force from moving that arm faster than it would take to catch a falling piece of dust might make it fall off O_o. Anyhow...not bad...I hear potential in it...hopefully you will follow up on it though^^
-Scared of breaking some nerds arm by moving out of the way. In order to save the arm...you just gotta take a beating XP-