Well...I just don't know what to do, the Fable songs that I am working on are turning out to be much harder than I would like (I can't find any samples, so I have to go from game...which is annoying as all hell). So, I am out of ideas, I can do my own original piece as I don't have too many of those, but I like doing remixes far more...does anybody have any ideas? Any at all?
Btw, here are some artists that you people should check out...
1. MilkMan-Dan Check out his Beautiful Savage song...
2. Danman87 His are all good...but don't let a slow intro. fool you, some of them may surprise halfway though ;)
3. afliXion Some of his older stuff isn't that bad^^
4. Soundshifter Here is one that is well known...another great composer.
5. MaestroRage This guy is pretty crazy...some of his pieces are so complex that I couldn't imagine where to begin.
...I will update this later...right now I need to leave
Cya people!
Hey sow fable is hard hu.
Maby you should do Halo 3 Remakes if you have it.
If you dont do Halo 2 and 1!
If you don't have iter then do Cartons.