Also known as Denny Schneidemesser most of you know him and love him...or love to hate him in some cases. Well I am just here to let you all know that he has made his own website! You can find it at...
Currently I am working on convincing him to make a forum but he doesn't think anybody would join. What do you say people, would you be willing to join his forum? :D
You can find his Newgrounds page at...
Let him know that he should make a forum...hell, we all know he is a good enough composer for that.
IF you haven't heard of him then just listen to this song and find out why I am such a big fan of his...
The Magic of Winter (Not original title)
Its long, but I will be damned if it isn't worth the full listen through.
I am slowly getting back into composing after a long break. Expect to hear something from me soon, even if it is only a sample of what I am working on right now (lots of useless semi-completed crap sitting on and taking up all the space on my hard drive....gonna have to get something finished eventually x.x).
But yeah, keep checking back, if anything I will send out messages to everyone on my favorites list when I get something up...expect it sometime in the near future.
I'm gonna totally ignore this, give it a five.. and hey listen to my music! *WHORE*
d=(<.<o( freak ;p...osry WHORE goshness.........................
..............I DO LISTEN TO YOUR MUSIC XD, hell, you have enough fans on here that it'd be hard to miss any of it ;D.