View Profile Cosmos8942
Ok, so the world does not know my name. But there are those around me that do...and in the end that is all I need...

Anthony Lockhart @Cosmos8942

Age 35, Male



Wisconsin, United States

Joined on 5/14/07

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Newgrounds is SLACKING! T.T

Posted by Cosmos8942 - August 28th, 2007

Hear me! HEAR ME!...no wait...thats not right =.=. ANYHOW!

I am posting this because I have noticed that there are very few people that bother to vote, and even fewer that bother to write a simple 10second review for a song. Ok...so some of you may not have ten seconds to spare...well...what about the rest? This has especially happened for my songs. I have not seen one of my songs (minus the new one) get one vote in the last 48hours...why is that? People are either too lazy to bother voting...or too afraid of what their vote might do to the score...who cares!? Give me some votes people, and ABOVE ALL, listen to most, if not ALL of the song before you bother to vote. You wouldn't believe how many times I have had a number of great reviews all saying they gave me say...a 5/5 only to look at the score and find that I have a 3.07 or something like that after only 7 or so votes. After awhile I came to the conclusion that people just don't bother to listen past the intro of the song...

So come on people...all you have to do is vote...you don't HAVE to review...though that IS nice. It doesn't really take any time at all. Heck! even non-users (guests) of newgrounds can vote...that is something you don't have to be signed in to use^^.

ALSO! Please remember to rate a flash depending on how the artist did...not what the audio sounds like. The only time the audio should affect a flashes rating is when it is a original piece done by either the artist of the flash itself, or by someone else within the newgrounds flash portal (or maybe a friend of the artist that is not a member of the site itself). In summary, do NOT rate a flash based on its audio, I mean seriously, you don't think I am getting sick of running into high ranking flash movies with great music and horrible animation?

Ok I am done rambling...time for bed...and please rate fairly and review if you can...one thing artists (of any genre) hate is that when they see a horrible rating and nobody tells them why.

Off to bed then!
Cya! :D

P.S. One of these days I am going to make a song with a HORRIBLE INTRODUCTION...but come to find out that if you had bothered to listen for just 12seconds into the song...it turns into something great.

P.P.S. As it seems...I have forgotten to mention that not all poorly animated flash on newgrounds are necessarily bad...its just that many times a nicely animated flash submission is more highly prized...take the Brackenwood series...those stepped up the bar for flash submissions everywhere...before that people were content with funny, if badly animated flashes about various topics. I am not going to say that all nicely drawn animations are good, nor am I going to go out and state that all badly drawn animations are horrible, but what I am trying to say is that IF you do see a bad animation, listen to it one time through for the sounds and such...and maybe go through again with the sound turned off. Why would you want to do this? Simple...this way you can see the little defects in each submission that you originally thought were good, and maybe some really nice parts in a flash that you thought was horrible. In the end though...it all comes down to the person...



... Okay.

Thats right...

I hate it when poorly animated flashes get high scores because of songs the animator didn't make (Damn Weird Al "tributes")

Also I admit that i never listen to a song longer than 10 seconds unless it's a really good 10 seconds but that's mostly because my net is so slow.

Mm...someone admitted to the fact that he/she does not listen to songs for a longer period of time (past say...20seconds)...but remember that not all audio will be really really good that first 10seconds...sometimes I find audio out there that do not have all that good of intro's, but once you are past the first boring 10-20 seconds of it...it becomes really quite good. But yeah...I hear ya', a bad connection is something that you really can't get around.

I don't agree with Sticky. I like Weird Al tributes.

I never really step in to the Audio Portal because I like (good) flash better

Hmm...the Weird Al tributes are all...wierd XD...but I see where you are coming from...but remember that I am just trying to make a point...and hopefully that point got across to a few people here and there^^.

Yeah, it does get a bit annoying when "bleh" animations get in because they have great music. <.<

But you also have to remember that those "bleh" animations that sometimes get in may have poor quality to them...but may just be hilariously funny...I have run across a couple of those and found myself in a centerpoint of whether or not I actually like what I am watching...or whether I should put my eyes back in because it just looked so horrible. But hell...I was laughing MAO :P.

Maybe we don't vote on your audio because of the high ammount of audio in the portal? We can't be expected to vote on all the thousands of audio each day.

As for flashes getting in just because of the song, well, err... >>;'

Haha...pardon for the rant that I produced about my own audio...I was just trying to get a very basic point across, people just don't seem to vote as much as they could, and when they do vote, unless it is a well known artist, they really don't listen/watch the whole thing before they decide on a 3...or maybe a 5. I am not saying that this is for everyone...but from what I can tell...there are quite a few people that do do this, at least some of the time.

lvl 5 reviewed 9 flashes

kettle calling pot?

(90 music reviews a newgrounds user does not make)

basicly your slacking on flash :o

Not really...Idon't review a whole lot of flash because many of them that I happen across already got 100+ reviews on them...I find that there is very little to no point in reviewing at that stage.

yea i agree with that... how can we possibly know what ppl think of the songs if no one votes... its kinda frustrating. Although i have discovered that ppl are more likely to respond and vote btween 12pm-5pm than if u submitted the song at 12am.

o.o....actually I kinda noticed the same thing...but never really gave it any thought what-so-ever. But yeah, thanks for the response btw, always appreciated^^.

Do more fable songs!

O.o Alrighty then XD.

Yeah, if I can remake them myself or if I can find the sheet music for them I will do what I can...but that last one wasn't that good, right? =.=.

I will try ^^

Hey man i have some great advise about the Fable songs! :)
You know about the song in the main menu right.
Well why dont you remake that one it wold be great!


The one in the main menu? Hmm...can't remember it...I shall go play that game now to remember this song....untiiil then!


No really...I will ;)