View Profile Cosmos8942
Ok, so the world does not know my name. But there are those around me that do...and in the end that is all I need...

Anthony Lockhart @Cosmos8942

Age 35, Male



Wisconsin, United States

Joined on 5/14/07

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Emerging Audio Artists and a Very Sad Goodbye

Posted by Cosmos8942 - July 27th, 2008

Hello there fellow Newgroundies! It is I, the almighty Cosmos come to bring you some interesting news and perhaps to listen to some of yours. First things first, lets hear the bad news.

The Well-Esteemed Chronamut has just retired recently due to an ever increasing fatigue of simply creating music. His 200+ songs to date have earned him many a title, and many many more fans. Here is the exact quote from his Userpage

"Yup - after 5 long years - I've decided enough is enough. Never was really a "good" audio musician neways - just did so many that people started to notice.

I would keep submitting - however, I dont really see a point anymore. Maybe now and then i might come out of retirement to make something - but it definitely isn't on the top of my priority list anymore.

I see everyones songs go down every day and I wonder "whats the point of the charts? They no longer reflect what is GOOD - only what is WHORED."

and I have so many songs - that even if i do get a good score day - they only seem to end up clogging the charts and then down they go again.

Oh and any new songs? Zeroed automatically.

So enjoy the songs I've submitted - it's been fun. I'll still stick around for the community - buuut that's pretty much it."


Well, Chronamut, let me answer some of these for the many users out there that will be shocked by your sudden retirement.

You have been around for five long years, yes...it was hard in the beginning, stuff just wasn't working right, but you held it out. Yet you say that after 200 posts, and 100k+ downloads that you have never been a "GOOD audio musician neways." I formally, and quite loudly DISAGREE, which is something most users on Newgrounds would agree with. Your work has astounded many a person, myself not excluded. You may have done a great many songs, but it was the work and the feeling behind your pieces that made people want to come back. It wasn't the quantity, but rather...the quality
that made everyone come back to listen to that one piece...just one more time. Like Danman89, we cannot stop you from leaving us, but we hope that you will, from time to time, honor us with yet another great piece from one of the best artists on Newgrounds today.

There is one thing though, that all will agree on, its the fact that the Audio Portal is no longer a fair place for people to share their work. Often times its the person with the connections, the person with the friends that get their work shown through to everyone out there. Look at my list in the previous blog, there are some artists on there that no one has ever heard of, that is because they were, as you have said, "WHORED" to the point that their songs would never be seen. The audio pages design is good, but some guidelines have to be put down. So we all feel for you on that topic.

In the end though, one of the best Audio Artists has now left us. In the end it was the users who pushed him away. How many more will follow? Danman89 has left, likely never to return, Chronamut is now gone from the Music scene, others are also no more, and yet more have moved on. I think that somethings need to change here, in the audio portal. Be them for better, or for worse, something needs to happen.

But bye Chronamut! I think I speak for all when I say that you will be sorely missed. Below is the link to his Userpage, post your goodbye, or just speak your mind. Remember though, he ain't dead! :P Even though I did kind of make it sound that way =\.

Chronamut's Userpage


Well well, there seems to be an artist that is thinking of coming back (audio artist). I do not have all the details as of yet, but I am sure that they will make themselves known in the days to come. Visit the link below to learn a little bit more. Try to be encouraging, after all, you are laying hope to one of the better artists Newgrounds has to offer, in slight, this could be seen as the return of one of the greats.

Danman87's Userpage


On a WHOLE 'nother note, I petition all of Newgrounds to help me find the BEST Audio Artists here on Newgrounds. I am NOT talking about those we all know, but rather the ones that NO ONE knows about. FIND ME THE BEST OF THE EMERGING STARS. The people that have just started their road of glory, OR those that have been around, hiding in the shadows, awaiting their chance.

Post your findings here! I will be the middle man, YOU be the judge!

I Wish You All Luck!



- How about "NemesisTheory" ? She makes superb Video Game Music for shure
- "K-Dm" is a very talented HipHop Artists who keeps it very classic and orchestral
- "FatKidWithAJetPack" absolutely skills in Ambient

So far with that...

I already know of those :D, FKWAJ is quite good and not well known so I will think on that. As for NemesisTheory, many people know about him and K-Dm has been around for enough time for people to have an idea of what he does.

I will give due thought to them though...thanks for the suggestions.


Nemesis Theoty is actually not a boy ^^ Thats what makes it so cool, you never get what you expect XD She has a RMX of her CoT uploaded btw...

o.o o, didn't know that...you learn something new every day :P. Thanks for the information though :D. Anyhow, I will make sure to check it out, I had no idea.


I really got to agree on the quote by Chronamut. People on Newgrounds don't like to share their music, they want to put it into a ring for a bloody battle. Not to sound mean, but there are people here who act like arrogant music geniuses while they're absolutely free of any talent.

All I hear is ripped off melodies and effortless (lazy) instrumentation while some people want to sell their piece as a true orchestra performance. There are even pieces written by Chris Field and other composer's who worked for X-Ray Dog in the charts without any given credit. Newgrounds will become a wasteland if it's going on like that...